[Free Online Session] Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2023

Supply Chain Innovation Summit is an annual event conducted by ISCEA Indonesia to discuss the latest updates on innovation and improvement projects in the supply chain area.

About This Course

This program is designed by ISCEA Indonesia to support graduates with the recent updates in the supply chain contexts. It gives insights, practical tools, and solutions to real-world challenges.  This event aims to facilitate the sharing from graduates for graduates. Our community member will be prioritized to involve in the summit, but we are not limited to them. We are also inviting you come and join the heat because we believe that sharing is caring.

In 2023, SCIS is held in 8 online session and 1 final offline session starting from 13 May to 8 July 2023. This course is the free access for the online session. We are delighted to have many speakers from various industries as follow:

Ryan Ching – Senior Business Development Manager of Slimstock – Supply Chain and Logistics Strategy for Online Retails

Sambudi Hamali, CPLM – Lecturer of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) – Analisis Supply Chain Risk pada Perusahaan Importir Bahan Bangunan

Nugroho Bagus Utomo, CSCA – Procurement Associate Manager of National Consumer Goods Company – Be a Supportive Indirect Procurement

Fajar Indra Kurniawan, CSCM – Senior Supply Chain Head of PT Bukit Mega Masabadi – SC Transformation for Resin Distribution Company

Al Taqdir Badari, CSCA – Researcher of Management Department, Bina Nusantara University – Inovasi Melalui Kolaborasi dan Kokreasi Nilai Menuju Modern Supply Chain yang Unggul dan Kompetitif

Dr. Shovella Santy Alrosjid, CSCM – COO of OSCM Indonesia – Lean Supply Chain Management

Wahyu Kristi Wicaksono, CPLM, CSCM, PMP(SC), LSSGB – Supply Chain Director of PT Tirtakencana Tatawarna (Avian Brands) – Have We Solved the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Puzzle: A Strategy.

Taufik Rizkiandi, CPLM, CSCM – Sales Executive of Patra Logistik – Peluang Bisnis Logistik Selain Transportasi dan Pergudangan

Yohannes Kurniawan, CSCA – Dean School of Information Systems of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) – UX in Supply Chain Management

Inayatulloh. CSCA – Lecturer of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) – Supply Chain and Internet of Thing

Norman Erikson Suli, CPLM – Senior Business Development Manager of Niaga Logistics – Potential used of Blockchain in the Forwarding Business

Ir. Ari Primantara S.T. M.MT, IPM,CSCA,CPLM – Vice President Departemen Pergudangan PT Petrokimia Gresik of PT Petrokimia Gresik – Reducing Fertilizer Holding Cost in Warehouse By Designing Customer Centric Excellence (2CE) System at PT Petrokimia Gresik

Darjat Sudrajat, CSCA, CSCM, CPLM – Structural Faculty Member – BINUS Business School of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) – Crafting Viable Supply Chain in the Logistics Service Business: Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic

Heru Pribadi, MMT, CSCM – Sr. Advisor Agri Business Development of Earthworm Foundation – Creating New Route to Market of Holticulture Product in Riau from Farmers Direct to Customers

Gautsil Madani, CPLM, CSCM – CEO of PT Angkasa Pura Kargo – Layanan Integrasi Kargo Udara di Indonesia Barat

Erna Kostina, CPLM – Advisory of PT Laju Poda Optima – Sustainable Supply Chain Drives Innovation and Improvement

Andri S. Krisnanto – Managing Partner of Kris Capital – An Investment & Supply Chains Perspective on Indonesia Energy Transition Era.

Albert Koto Indardyo, CPLM, CSCM – Head of Supply Chain of PT Buka Mitra Indonesia (Bukalapak) – Managing Supply Chain Partnership Using Vested Model

Ghifari Irfaan Swastomo, CSCA – Distribution Planning Officer of PT Paragon Technology & Innovation – Model Sharing Inventory Untuk Menjaga Stock Availability di Distribution Center

Dewi Safitriani – Lecturer of Politeknik Sinar Mas Coal Berau – Rantai Pasok Pengolahan Kakao

Ian Gibranata – Operations Excellence of Sinar Baja Electric – Implementasi RCCP untuk Menguji Kelayakan Master Production Scheduling

Bagusranu Wahyudi Putra – Assistant Vice President Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Pelabuhan  of PT Petrokimia Gresik – Warehouse Management System Inbound

Irfan Afiat, ST, CSCA – Manager of PT Semen Tonasa – Optimization Overhaul Cement Plant Through Supply Chain Implementation

Femi Yulianti – Lecturer of Telkom University – The Role and Coordination of SMEs in Disaster Logistics

Ratih Desiana, CPLM – Internal Control of PT Kamadjaja Logistics – Improvement Warehouse Operation Productivity in Inbound and Outbound Process

Dr. Akhmad Yunani, S.E., M.T., CSCA – Lecturer of Universitas Telkom – Ketahanan Rantai Pasok dan Dampak Peran Pemerintah Terhadap Kinerja Bisnis UKM Pakaian Jadi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

Dr. R.A. Aryanti W. Puspokusumo, BSc, MBM, CPLM – Lecturer of BINUS University – Economies of Scale as trendy Business model (Logistic Perspective)

Bambang Krisdwianto, CPLM – Supply Chain Consultant of NTT Ltd – Quality Management Tools & Techniques

Putu Giri Artha Kusuma – Lecturer of Telkom University – Coordination of Disaster Logistics Information System Development: A Lesson Learned

Tanty Oktavia, CSCA – of Universita Bina Nusantara – Automation System in Supply Chain

Course Content

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